OCDMV e-News, November 11, 2010

November 14, 2010 Sermon

Grace + Truth + Time:  The Power of a Blessing
John Ortberg, Senior Pastor, MPPC

This Week:

Operation Christmas Child
Collection Sundays, November 14 and 21

By taking an ordinary shoe box, filling it with toys and other presents, you have a special gift for a child in need of joy and hope.  Personally pack a shoe box for a child aged 2-4 years, 5-9 years, or 10-14 years that will be distributed all over the world in areas of poverty, war, disease, and natural disaster.  Organized and promoted by the Samaritan Purse organization, a book about the Gospel will be supplied in each shoe box before distribution.

Operation Christmas Child is a great mission project that you can do with family, small groups, or individually.  Volunteers are needed to staff the Collections table on November 14 and 21. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer,  please contact June Darmanian, 650.960.3601, darmanian@earthlink.net

The ODCMV Photo Directory is Here!
Pick-Up Available on Sundays, November 14 and 21

Our brand new ODCMV Photo Directories will be available for pick-up at church between services (10:00-10:30 a.m.) on Sundays, November 14 and 21!
  • If you got your photo taken for the directory, we've got a copy for you, free of charge!  
  • For those who submitted a photo and/or requested to be listed in the directory, we've got a copy reserved for you, which can be yours for a contribution of $5. 
  • For those who missed the opportunity to be listed, a limited number of additional directories are also available for a contribution of $5.
This project was designed to bring our church family closer together and we hope you will take advantage of this means to get to know and greet our church family members by name.  If you have any questions, please contact Gerry Soderberg, 650.968.8276, aesgms@comcast.net.

Find us on Facebook!

Did you know that Open Door Church Mountain View has a group on Facebook!?  Come join our online community and connect with other Open Door Church Mountain View folks! Group members receive "Evite" style invitations to special Open Door Church Mountain View events where they can let others know they're coming, see who else is coming, and easily invite their friends to join us.

At present, we're featuring the upcoming Fair Trade Holiday Gift Fair and the ODCMV Advent Festival on Facebook. Come along and join us - and invite a friend!

Welcome New Members!

A warm welcome to the following members of our own Open Door Church Mountain View family, who made their membership official at MPPC's most recent Membership@MPPC class on Saturday, October 9, 2010:  Bruce Devert, Rob Howe, Lorie Reichel-Howe and Tamara Serrato.

Membership@MPPC provides a welcoming environment for all those interested in learning more about what it means to become a follower of Jesus Christ as well as for those considering becoming a member of our church congregation.

Our next Membership@MPPC class is scheduled for Saturday, February 5, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Menlo Park campus: 950 Santa Cruz Ave., Fellowship Hall.  Childcare is available; please request it when you register.  Contact Stacie Glaspey, 650.330.7504, sglaspey@mppc.org.

Middle School Thanksgiving Feast
Tuesday, November 16, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Room 102

Middle School students will enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with friends and youth leaders in Room 102. Don’t miss it! Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

High School Thanksgiving Feast
Wednesday, November 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m. (1207 Thurston Ave., Los Altos)
This is a great time to build community in the group as we share a full Thanksgiving meal.  Your kids will not want to miss it!  Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

This Month:

Fair Trade Holiday Gift Fair (Mountain View)
Saturday, November 20, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 21, 12:00 noon-3:00 p.m.
Mountain View campus, Fellowship Hall

Do you ever wonder if there is something you can do to help break the cycle of poverty in the developing world?  Fair trade seeks to transform lives and communities in the developing world by enabling individuals to use their skills and resources to work their way out of poverty.

Our Holiday Gift Fair will showcase gifts, jewelry, bags, housewares, gifts for kids, coffee, chocolate and other fair trade foodstuffs crafted by artisans in impoverished communities.  This holiday season, let your gifts be part of the story of transformation!  Every purchase will help to transform the lives of individuals and communities in the developing world.

Invitation postcards are available at church on Sundays.  Grab one and invite a friend, co-worker or neighbor - or several!  Contact Shelli Krunic, skrunic26@gmail.com.

Christmas with a Mission Gift Fair (Menlo Park)
Saturday, November 20, 12:00 noon-8:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 21, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Menlo Park campus: 950 Santa Cruz Ave, Fellowship Hall and Garden Court

Come shop the world right here in Menlo Park!  Unique handcrafted textiles, ceramics, jewelry, home and fashion products from developing countries will be on sale just in time for Christmas. All proceeds are re-invested with the artisans.

Change lives by supporting men and women across the world who create these products in order to survive, as well as to meet basic health care, housing, and educational needs for their families. The gift fair is a partnership with Heavenly Treasures, a fair trade micro enterprise network committed to helping artisans with product development, access to market and spiritual development.  Contact Jackie Moseley-Daniel, 650.591.7201.

Coming Soon:

ODCMV Advent Festival
Sunday, December 5, 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Join us as our church family gathers to remember and celebrate "the reason for the season" and take with you some ideas and tools to celebrate Advent at home. This is a child-friendly event with fun for all ages. Please feel welcome to join us for the entire time or drop in as you are able.

Festival Activities
4:30-5:30 p.m.

Create a festive item for your home that can both bring cheer and serve as a reminder, pointing back to the REAL gift of the Christmas season.

Potluck Dinner
5:30-6:30 p.m.

Connect with others in the church family as we sit down together to enjoy one another over a potluck dinner.  Bring a canned good for a local food bank and a favorite dish to share.

Christmas Carol Sing-along
6:30-7:30 p.m.

Join us in singing songs of the season and reflecting on the wonder of Emmanuel - God with us!

Watch this space for more information as this event draws closer.  To find out how you can participate in making this event a reality, contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

Other December Calendar Events

Save the date for the following events coming up in December:

Career Actions Ministry - Saturday, December 4
High School Cheers - Saturday, December 4
Middle School Trolleys - Saturday, December 11
Mothers Together Christmas Fellowship - Thursday, December 16
Christmas Eve Services - Friday, December 24

Watch this blog for more information as events draw closer.

Bible Explorers
Sundays, 9:00 a.m., Starting January 9, 2011 

Join the Adventure!

Bible Explorers is an elective Bible study class for 4th and 5th graders, running from January through May.  This exciting Bible learning program aims to help children grasp, at their own level of understanding, the importance of God’s word in their lives. Upon completion of the class each student will receive his/her very own Bible at a special graduation ceremony.

Why is this Class important?

A love and appreciation of God’s word is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children! The Bible can be a difficult book for children to read and understand.  While this class is not mandatory, all 4th and 5th graders, who have not previously taken Bible Explorers, are encouraged to participate in this unique and exciting program.

What will my child learn?

The purpose of the class is to teach children the skills they need to get the most they can out of the Bible. Mastering these skills will enable your child to:

  • Gain a new appreciation and understanding of God’s word.
  • See the way God speaks to them personally, through the Bible.
  • Get to know Jesus better through reading God’s Word.
How can my child sign up for the class?
Registration begins on Sunday, November 14.  Register online at odcmv.org.  Note that enrollment in Bible Explorers is limited and advanced registration is required.  Also note that Regular, on-time attendance is very important to ensure that your child gains the full benefit of the class.  For more information, contact Chris Nicholson, 650.323.8652, cnicholson@mppc.org.

2011 Freedom Summit 
January 21-22, 2011
Harbor Light Church, Fremont

Register now for this MPPC-sponsored conference against human trafficking. We are partnering with other Bay Area churches to bring freedom and healing in Christ's name to the millions people who are held captive in the Bay Area and around the world. Featuring Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Lt. John Vanek of the San Jose Police Human Trafficking Task Force, Giants pitcher Jeremy Affeldt, and singer Sara Groves in concert. Register at mppc.org.


Castro Adopt-a-Classroom Program

Open Door Church Mountain View’s “Adopt-a-Classroom” program with Castro Elementary is gearing up for the new year. Castro is located in Mountain View and has a large population of English language learners from low-income families. Volunteers in this program are paired with a Castro classroom for the school year to support one or more of a variety of activities such as tutoring, field trips, class parties, pen-pal writing, science experiments, and more! Individuals and small groups are encouraged to sign up. We will match you with a classroom according to interests and time availability. Contact Trina Weller, 650.960.8227, kweller@sbcglobal.net.


Castro Teacher Appreciation

Open Door Church Mountain View would like to continue to provide monthly staff encouragement treats at Castro Elementary this school year.  For example, coffeecake and fruit, or a soup & salad lunch for about 40 people.  What you do is up to you!  If you or your small group would like to sign up to bring a one-time snack or lunch for the teachers and staff, or for more information, please contact Barb Recine, barb@inregister.us.

Wednesday Nights on the Corner
Wednesdays, Ongoing through November 17
Fellowship Hall and various rooms on campus

You are warmly invited to join us as the churches on the corner of Miramonte and Cuesta partner for Wednesday Nights on the Corner.

Dinner @ 6:15 p.m.

We begin our evening with dinner.  Please feel welcome to join us for dinner whether or not you plan to attend a class afterward.  Sign-ups to help coordinate the details of a meal are available at the dinner.  Donations gladly accepted to cover expenses.

Classes @ 7:00 p.m.

Currently, two drop in classes are being offered: The Question of God (book recommended but not required), meeting in Room 102 and The Gospel in Life(study guide recommended but not required), meeting in the Fireside Room.  Classes have begun, but please feel welcome to drop in as you are able!

Concurrent with the classes, space around tables in the Fellowship Hall is available for Small Groups to meet. (If your Small Group would like to consider meeting at church on Wednesday evenings, please contact Jane Sumner, JaneESumner@aol.com.)

Childcare and Study Hall

Childcare for children ages 3 months to 3rd grade is available by prior registration.  Donations of $3 per child, per occasion, are requested to help cover costs.  Study Hall is also available for older children.  Contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org for more details.

Look for more information in our "Wednesday Nights on the Corner" brochures at church on Sunday morning or contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

Services: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., Sundays, in the Fellowship Hall, 1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View

Office: 1451 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040, 650.330.7525

Web: ODCMV.org

Links: *Back to ODCMV e-News* | Churchwide MPPC News and Notes | Mothers Together Mountain View | Opportunities to Serve the Community | Prayer & Care | Career Actions Ministry | Ministry Contacts | Churchwide Financial Update