ODCMV e-News - January 13, 2011

January 16, 2011 Sermon

The Reason for God:  Who Says There's One Way To God?
John Ortberg, Senior Pastor, MPPC

Special Highlight:

2011 Freedom Summit - Register by January 15
January 21-22, 2011
Harbor Light Church, Fremont

MPPC is partnering with other local churches to shed the light of Christ's compassion and justice on human trafficking in the Bay Area.  Featured speaker  Dr. Condoleezza Rice, musician Sara Groves, Sgt. John Vanek (San Jose Police Human Trafficking Task Force). Register at mppc.org by January 15.

"Training Day" Music and Worship Workshops
Saturday, February 5 (times as listed below)
Mountain View campus:  Room 103

Heartfelt Music Ministry Presents: Training Day - featuring five intensive training workshops. These workshops are for everyone! This all day Saturday event is especially designed for musicians who desire to be better equipped in some or all of the following areas: walking intimately with God, leading worship, singing at their best, playing guitar better, and writing songs with impact.

Even non-musicians will enjoy enhancing their lifestyle of worship and improving their singing. Each workshop is "learner” oriented with a blend of participation, demonstration and teaching. The majority of the workshops are hands-on, where each person participates with the techniques being demonstrated.  Through Biblical insight and practical experience, Reggie inspires the correlation of dynamic faith in Jesus Christ with creative and expressive musicianship.

The Saturday schedule of the five workshops on Training Day will be:

8:45 a.m. - Check-In
9:00 a.m. - Creative Songwriting
10:30 a.m. - Worship Infusion
1:00 p.m. - Leading Worship Effectively
2:30 p.m. - Improving Your Singing
4:00 p.m. - Dynamic Guitar in Worship

Visit HeartfeltMusic.org for a detailed explanation of each workshop. Contact Reggie Coates, 925.206.9895, rcoates@mppc.org.

This Week:

"The Reason for God" Drop-in Small Group
Tuesdays, January 11-February 15, 7:00 p.m.
Mountain View campus:  Fireside Room

On Sunday, January 9, MPPC will begin a 6-week sermon series entitled "The Reason for God", based on a book of the same name, by Tim Keller. This series will address some tough questions many people have about God and Christianity.  An accompanying study guide is available for small groups interested in taking a deeper look into the questions and issues raised by the series.

If you're not in a small group that plans to study the series, or if you would simply like to check out what being in a small group would be like, a drop-in small group will be available in the Fireside Room at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday evenings throughout the 6-week series.  Contact Mark Hanson-Kahn, markhk1@yahoo.com.

Wednesday Nights on the Corner - Winter Edition
Wednesdays, January 12 - February 16
Room 103

6:15 p.m. - Potluck Dinner.  Please bring something to share.

7:00 p.m. - Six week study series based on Phillip Yancey's "What's So Amazing About Grace".  Study and discussion facilitated by Pastor Tim and Laura Boyer of First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View.  Contact Margie Haines, fpcmv@sbcglobal.net.

Recommendation for Deacons
Nomination Deadline EXTENDED to Monday, January 31, 2011

We encourage you to recommend members of our congregation to join our Deacon team. If you know someone with the gifts of helps, care and compassion, please go to mppc.org. Recommendation period extended to January 31. Contact Diane Lopez, 650.329.7421, dlopez@mppc.org.

This Month:

Crown Financial Class
Starts Sunday, January 16

A Crown Financial Bible class will be offered at on Sundays at a home in Sunnyvale, starting on January 16. This 10-week class will explore the Scriptural principles behind how God wants us to relate to money and manage our personal finances with skill and integrity . . . yet without stress. There will be approximately 2 hours of outside preparation each week. Class limited to 15 individuals.  Contact Bill Teter, 408.245.7447, teterfam@comcast.net.

Coming Soon:

Saturday, February 5, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Menlo Park campus: 950 Santa Cruz Ave., Fellowship Hall

Membership@MPPC offers a welcoming environment for people interested in learning more about what it means to become a follower of Jesus Christ as well as for those interested in becoming a member of our church. Contact Stacie Glaspey, 650.330.7504, sglaspey@mppc.org.

ODC 101
Sunday, February 6, 12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m.
Mountain View campus: 1667 Miramonte Ave., Fireside Room

Are you new to Open Door Church Mountain View? Have you been around a while but you still have a few questions you'd like to have answered? In either case - or if you'd simply like to meet some of our staff, ministry leaders and some new people - please join us for "ODC 101"! A light lunch will be provided. RSVPs are appreciated so we can plan for lunch if you know you will attend, but please feel free to join us at the last minute even if you haven't had a chance to RSVP. Contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.


Castro Adopt-a-Classroom Program

Open Door Church Mountain View’s “Adopt-a-Classroom” program with Castro Elementary is gearing up for the new year. Castro is located in Mountain View and has a large population of English language learners from low-income families. Volunteers in this program are paired with a Castro classroom for the school year to support one or more of a variety of activities such as tutoring, field trips, class parties, pen-pal writing, science experiments, and more! Individuals and small groups are encouraged to sign up. We will match you with a classroom according to interests and time availability. Contact Trina Weller, 650.960.8227, kweller@sbcglobal.net.

Castro Teacher Appreciation

Open Door Church Mountain View would like to continue to provide monthly staff encouragement treats at Castro Elementary this school year.  For example, coffeecake and fruit, or a soup and salad lunch for about 40 people.  What you do is up to you!  If you or your small group would like to sign up to bring a one-time snack or lunch for the teachers and staff, or for more information, please contact Barb Recine, barb@inregister.us.

Services: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., Sundays, in the Fellowship Hall, 1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View

Office: 1451 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040, 650.330.7525

Web: ODCMV.org

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