ODCMV e-News - August 2011

Month at a Glance:

Sermon Series - "Psalms: Beyond the Small Talk"

Sunday, August 7 - Meditation - Kevin Kim
Sunday, August 14 - Confession - Scott Scruggs
Sunday, August 21 - Gratitude - Scott Palmbush (LIVE)
Sunday, August 28 - TBA

Throughout the series, we invite you to join with us in praying daily through the book of Psalms. A daily reading schedule is available on the welcome table or at the Connection Center. Start reading this week! To access the schedule and scriptures online, visit mppc.org/psalms

Miss a sermon?  Want to share a sermon or just want to hear it again?  Check out our recent sermons online at mppc.org!

ODCMV August Activity Calendar

Stay on top of what's happening at Open Door Church Mountain View with our monthly Event Calendar!  Paper copies of the calendar are available at church on Sundays.  Pick one up and stick it on your fridge for easy reference.  For additional convenience, you can also view a copy of this month's ODCMV Activity Calendar online!

In August:

Back-to-School-Supply Drive
Sundays, July 31 & August 7

It’s Back-To-School time!  We are partnering with First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View to collect school for Community Services Agency of Mountain View and other local agencies who will distribute the supplies to children and youth in need before school starts.  Drop off your donations at church on Sunday, July 31 or August 7.   A few ideas to consider:
  • backpacks (NO red or blue, please)
  • 3-ring binders / dividers / pencil pouches
  • folders with pockets
  • binder paper (college rule & wide rule)
  • spiral notebooks / composition notebooks
  • pencils / erasers / pencil sharpeners
  • watercolor paints / colored pencils
  • pens / highlighters / markers / crayons
  • scissors / rulers / glue sticks
  • calculators
  • small dictionaries
  • index cards
Questions?  Contact Jenny Bader, jsbader@sbcglobal.net.

Global Leadership Summit
Thursday & Friday, August 11 & 12 
Central Peninsula Church, Foster City

The Leadership Summit annually gathers the best leaders from the business, public, non-profit and church worlds together to help equip and enable ALL leaders to better "lead where you are."   Join MPPC staff, elders and other lay leaders as we grow together to build a learning and leadership culture at MPPC. Speakers include Dr. Henry Cloud, Seth Godin, Michelle Rhee, Howard Shultz, Brenda Salter McNeil and Erwin McManus. Register at mppc.org.

"Cedarland" Mission Report
Sunday, August 21, 12:00 noon
Fireside Room

Join us for a fireside chat with our very own ODCMV Missionary to the Middle East!  Hear him share stories about how God is moving through his ministry to individuals in a primarily  Muslim culture, and learn how you can support him through prayer as he returns to his post for the new school year.  Contact Angelyn Knab, aknab@mppc.org.

Local Mission Outreach Luncheon
Sunday, August 28, 12:00 noon
Fireside Room

Enjoy some lunch, meet some of our local ministry partners and learn more about the ministry they do in the community. Hear stories about what God has been doing in our community through members of our congregation - and, perhaps, discover opportunities where YOU can be an agent of God's love in the lives of others!

Planning and organization for the day has begun.  If you would like to help, please contact Bridget McNiel, bridget_mcniel@hotmail.com, 650.965.9119.

Children's Programs Dates: 

Shepherd’s Village Program Summer Break 
Sundays, August 7, 14 & 21

On Sundays, August 7, 14 & 21, there will be no Shepherd’s Village classes.  Childcare for 3 months to 36 months will be available on Sunday mornings.  As always, children are welcome to join their parents in our regular worship services.  Contact Chris Nicholson, cnicholson@mppc.org.

Shepherd's Village Fall Kick-Off
Sunday, August 28

Shepherd's Village will kick off the new ministry year on Sunday, August 28, with classes for children aged 3 months through 5th grades.  Children entering preschool (age 3 by December 2, 2011) through incoming 5th graders will graduate to their new groups for the 2011-2012 ministry year.  

Special note to parents of incoming 4th & 5th graders: the 4*5 Pipeline program is a special Shepherd's Village program designed just for 4th & 5th graders.  This program meets in the Chapel at  9:00 a.m. only.  4th & 5th graders who attend Shepherd's Village at 10:30 a.m. are welcome to join the K-3rd grades in Room 103.  Contact Chris Nicholson, cnicholson@mppc.org.

Youth Program Dates: 

Middle School Events

Pool Party
Tuesday, August 2, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Come enjoy some dinner, hang out with middle school ministry volunteers, and get to know other middle school students!  This would be a perfect time to bring a friend!  For details, contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org

The Outlet Summer Break
Sundays, August 7, 14 & 21, 9:00 a.m.

The Outlet program will be taking a break on Sundays, August 7, 14 & 21.  Middle school students are welcome to join us in the Fellowship Hall during our regular worship services at 9:00 or 10:30 a.m.  Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

The Outlet Program Fall Kick-Off
Sunday, August 28, 9:00 a.m.

The Outlet program will kick off the new ministry year on Sunday, August 28.  Join us at 9:00 a.m. in Room 102 for a time of fun, learning and asking honest questions.  Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

High School Events

Houseboats Camp
Monday-Saturday, August 1-6

We are trying something new this year! Mountain View will be doing our own camp for our high school kids. We will be spending a week at Lake Shasta tubing, wakeboarding, and learning about God. Pre-registration is required.  Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org, for more information.
Home Group Summer Break
Wednesdays, August 3, 10 & 17

The High School group will be taking a break from weekly Home Group meetings on Wednesdays, August 3, 10 & 17.  Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Home Group Fall Kick-Off
Wednesday, August 24, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

On Wednesday, August 24, we'll resume our weekly Home Group meetings at Daniel & Valerie’s House from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Their address is:  314 Martens Ave Mountain View CA 94040. You can call their parents (John & Christina Loud) if you get lost: 650.428.1698.  Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Also In August:

Crown Financial Bible Study
Wednesdays in July and August, 6:45-8:30 p.m.
At a private home in Redwood City

Spend a part of your summer discovering how to manage your personal finances in a God-honoring way. The study group will meet in a Redwood City home on Wednesday evenings in July and August, from 6:45 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  For details contact Bill Teter, 408.245.7447, teterfam@comcast.net.

For one-on-one free and confidential Crown budget coaching, attend the class or contact Larry Higbey, 650.799.2725, lhigbey@sbcglobal.net.

Signs of Hope Camp - Register to Volunteer!
Camp Dates: August 14-19
Redwood Camp, Mount Hermon

Our local Service Outreach Team would like to invite you to prayerfully consider making a difference in the life of a foster child.  Help One Child's "Signs of Hope Camp" (at Mount Hermon, August 14-19) would not be possible without the generous support of the MPPC Mission Department and you!  Counselors, Carnival Volunteers and Day Helpers are needed. Help One Child can provide you with several different opportunities to minister to the 1,100 foster children in our region and to the families who have devoted their lives to helping them heal.  Contact Jill Sandy at 650.917.1210, jill@helponechild.org.

For more information about the organization sponsoring this ministry opportunity, check out the Help One Child video on YouTube!  (Watch for the faces of a few of our own Open Door Church Mountain View community!)

Coming Soon:

Family of God Camp
Friday-Sunday, September 23-25
Mount Hermon Conference Center

Save the date for our MPPC family Family of God Camp at Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz mountains! It will be a weekend of family fun, biblical teaching for all ages, worship, and community time. This year's speaker, Bill Stephens from Boulder, CO, will present a series of talks entitled "Extreme Heart Makeover: MPPC Edition."  Registration at mppc.org begins in July.  Contact Lisa Carhart, lcarhart@mppc.org.


Open Door Church Mountain View Fan Page

Stephen  Ministry

Are you feeling down? If you are overwhelmed by the pain of a broken relationship, loss of a loved one, negative medical news, or any other crisis or difficult situation in your life, Stephen Ministry can help! Request a Stephen Minister today. Confidential hotline: 650.330.7516, stephenministry@mppc.org.

Support Japan Relief Efforts 

As you know, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake on Friday, March 11, caused severe damage in Japan and triggered a powerful tsunami as well as nuclear hazards.

Please join us in praying for the people affected by this disaster and for their safety and recovery efforts.

We have learned that MPPC's Members in Mission who were in Sendai, Japan, are safe.  We are in touch with our mission and ministry contacts in Japan and we are looking into how we can help.

To contribute to this effort, you can send a check to MPPC with "Japan" on the memo line.  Watch mppc.org/japan for updates.

Services: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., Sundays, in the Fellowship Hall, 1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View

Office: 1451 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040, 650.330.7525

Web: ODCMV.org

Links: *Back to ODCMV e-News* | Churchwide MPPC News and Notes | Mothers Together Mountain View | Opportunities to Serve the Community | Prayer & Care | Career Actions Ministry | Ministry Contacts | Churchwide Financial Update