ODCMV e-News - June 2012

Month at a Glance:

Sermon Series: 

Join us for /soul-o-lo-gy/, beginning June 10. The soul is what gives life. Yet, with as much knowledge as we have about the human body today, we know very little about the soul. During our next series, we will examine themes around healthy and unhealthy souls: its habit and character, how to care for our soul, and why God is so mysterious with our souls. Don’t miss this exciting journey into soul-o-lo-gy. 

Watch mppc.org for information on the current series.  And feel free to send an email to ideas@mppc.org if you have a story to share about how God is working in your life.

Miss a sermon?  Want to share a sermon or just want to hear it again?  Check out our recent sermons online at mppc.org!  You can also subscribe to our sermon podcast on iTunes or purchase individual audio CD's.

ODCMV June Activity Calendar

Stay on top of what's happening at Open Door Church Mountain View with our monthly Event Calendar!  Paper copies of the calendar are available at church on Sundays.  Pick one up and stick it on your fridge for easy reference.

For additional convenience, you can also view a copy of this month's ODCMV Activity Calendar online!

Did You Know?

2012 MPPC Photo Directory | PHOTO APPOINTMENT

Menlo Park: 550 Glenwood Avenue

MPPC is creating a new photo directory and we want you to be part of it. Sign up now for a photo session with LifeTouch and receive a free 8x10 portrait. Visit mppc.org/directory or call 650.330.7551 on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Contact Lisa Lindquist, 650.323.8677, llindquist@mppc.org.

In June:

Celebrate Your Baptism with Us! | REGISTER
Sunday, June 3 (during our morning worship services)

If you have committed your life to Jesus and have not been baptized OR if you have been baptized and would like to re-affirm your baptism, you are invited to participate in a special immersion service on Sunday, June 3 at Open Door Church Mountain View. (Sprinkling will also be available for those who prefer it.)

A required instruction time on Tuesday, May 29, 5:30 p.m. will be held at the church office (1451 Grant Rd, Ste 102).  If you wish to participate, but are unable to attend the instruction at that time, please let us know so we can look at the possibility of setting up an alternate time for you. Contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

Aloha Sunday (incoming Middle & High School transitions)
Sunday, June 3

Incoming 6th Graders:  Children transitioning from 5th grade into 6th grade for the fall term will move up to join "The Outlet" program for Middle School, which meets at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. (Younger children will wait to join their new Shepherd's Village group on Sunday, August 26. Contact Chris Nicholson, cnicholson@mppc.org.)

Incoming 9th Graders:  Youth transitioning from Middle School into High School for the fall term will be welcomed into the High School program. For more information about these summer transitions, contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Churches on the Corner Ministry Celebration Picnic
Sunday, June 3, 12:00 noon

Join us on the lawn as the congregations who share our campus gather together to get to know one another and to celebrate what God is doing here on the corner of Cuesta and Miramonte and in the community around us. 

Food, games, prizes, balloon artists, a jumpy castle and other fun activities will make for a fun festive time for all ages. 

A voluntary suggested donation of $5/person or $20/family will help to cover event expenses. Contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

Boundaries Series Workshop 
Sponsored by MPPC's Divorce/Relationship Recovery Ministry 
Mondays, June 4-July 23, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Menlo Park: 950 Santa Cruz Ave., in Garden Court

Join us in June and July for Cloud and Townsend's well-known “Boundaries” video series. “Find help in putting the pieces together after a divorce or significant breakup.” Small confidential discussion groups will meet after each presentation. Free childcare available. More information at mppc.org. Contact Monte Fisher, 650.888.3215, mfisher@hotmail.com.

Membership@MPPC | REGISTER
Saturday, June 9, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Menlo Park: 950 Santa Cruz Ave.

We hope you will consider making ODCMV/MPPC your church home by joining our family. Please come to the next Membership@MPPC class. Membership@MPPC provides a welcoming environment for all those interested in what it means to become a follower of Jesus Christ, as well as for those considering becoming a member of our church congregation.  Register at mppc.org.  Contact Diane Lopez, dlopez@mppc.org.

Crown Financial Bible Study
Wednesdays starting June 13, 6:30-9:00 p.m.
Redwood City

Spend a part of your summer discovering how to manage your personal finances in a God-honoring way. Our group will meet in a Redwood City home Wednesday evenings, 6:30-9:00 p.m., for ten weeks starting June 13. Study materials feature Larry Burkett, Rick Warren, Chip Ingram and most-importantly the Scriptures. There are a limited number of seats (literally!)  For details contact Bill Teter, 408.245.7447  teterfam@comcast.net.

Child Baptism/Dedication | REGISTER
Sunday, June 17 (Fathers’ Day)

On Fathers’ Day, there will be an opportunity to present children for baptism or dedication during our morning worship services. A brief time of required instruction with the pastor has been scheduled on Tuesday, June 5, 5:30 p.m. at the church office (1451 Grant Rd, Ste 102). For more information or questions about future baptism/dedication dates, contact Angelyn Knab, aknab@mppc.org.

Middle School Summer Activities
Contact Zack for dates and locations

During the summer, Middle School students are encouraged to invite their friends to participate in some fun and community building activities on Tuesday nights.  For more information on exact times, locations and activity details, contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Summer Family Fun Nights!
Tuesdays, June 19, July 3, 17 & 31, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Join us this summer for dinner and good old-fashioned fun for parents and kids!  Grab a lawn chair, bring your appetite and get excited about family movie nights, picnic games, bounce houses and other fun activities!  And don't keep the fun to yourself!  Invite school friends and neighbors to come along with you!  A voluntary suggested donation of $5/person or $20/family will help to offset event expenses.  Contact Sarah Blaha, sarahblaha@earthlink.net.

Summer Soul Journey | REGISTER by June 24
Tuesdays, June 26-July 31, 6:45-8:45 p.m. (No meeting on 7/3)
Menlo Park: 950 Santa Cruz Ave.

Each of us has been on a journey throughout our lives. Whether we’ve been aware of Him or not, our loving God has been with us every step of the way. Join us as we walk together in this 5-week summer series designed to reflect on the movement of God in our lives from the past, in the present and into the future. We will explore biblical accounts, engage in spiritual practices, encourage one another through small group sharing and enter into prayer for one another.

Small groups will be facilitated by trained small group leaders as an integral part of helping develop friendships and deeper discussions. Childcare provided for infants through 5th grade, including teaching for children grades K-5th. The topics of each session will be the same for women, men and school-aged children.

Though we strongly encourage everyone to attend the entire series, registration for individual sessions is available. More information available at mppc.org.

Summer Camps:

Middle School Pondy | REGISTER
Sunday-Saturday, July 1-7
Ponderosa Lodge, Mount Hermon

Don't miss out on the opportunity to spend a week with friends, hanging out, having fun and growing with God!  Ponderosa Lodge at Mount Hermon Christian Camp and Conference Center will host this week of fun for incoming 6th through 8th graders. Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Monday-Friday, July 23-27
Mountain View Campus: 1667 Miramonte Ave.

Calling all kids! Join us Monday-Friday, July 23-27, for a high flying celebration of God’s powerful love, as Open Door Church Mountain View partners with the First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View and the Korean Church of Love to present a week of fun for kids! The fun will include Bible adventures, cool crafts, wild and crazy games, live storytelling, awesome music and building relationships in small groups! More information and online registration available at odcmv.org.

Volunteer to make VBS possible! | REGISTER TO VOLUNTEER

Whether you can join us for a day, the whole week or behind the scenes in your spare time - we have a place for you!  Check out our online VBS Volunteer Form for brief descriptions of several available volunteer opportunities. Questions?  Please don't hesitate to contact us!  We'll be happy to answer them!

Contact Jean Ann Chernikoff, jchernikoff@mppc.org.

High School Houseboats | WAITING LIST
Monday-Saturday, July 30-August 4
Lake Shasta

Spend a week at Lake Shasta on a houseboat with other ODCMV High School Students, and grow closer to one another while learning about God and enjoying fun activities, including tubing, wakeboarding and swimming.  The first boat is now FULL, but a waiting list has been created in hopes of being able to fill a second boat. $25 saves a spot.  Register for the waiting list here. Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Family Camp | REGISTER
Friday-Monday, August 31-September 3 (Labor Day Weekend)
Mount Hermon

Join the Palmbush family and other ODCMV folks for an extended weekend away and enjoy God's creation and one another's company at Mount Hermon! This year's featured guest speaker is Rev. Earl Palmer, former pastor of University Presbyterian in Seattle.  More information and a link to registration available at mppc.org/familycamp.

End of Summer Transitions:

Shepherd's Village & Student Ministries Summer Break
Sundays, August 5, 12 & 19

The Outlet, for Middle School and Shepherd's Village Children's programs will take a summer break on Sundays, August 5, 12 & 19, 2012.  Children and students are welcome to join us in the Fellowship Hall during our regular worship services.

Childcare for 3 months to three years will be available.  (Let us know if you'd like to volunteer.)

Shepherd's Village Fall Kick-Off (Age-Group Transitions)
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Shepherd's Village children will kick off the new ministry year on Sunday, August 26.  Children entering preschool (age 3 by December 2, 2012) through incoming 5th graders will graduate to their new groups in Shepherd's Village for the new year.  For more information about these fall transitions, contact Chris Nicholson, cnicholson@mppc.org.

The Outlet Program Fall Kick-Off
Sunday, August 26, 9:00 a.m.

The Outlet program will kick off the new ministry year on Sunday, August 28.  Join us at 9:00 a.m. in Room 102 for a time of fun, learning and asking honest questions.  Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.


Small Groups
Varying times, dates and locations

You don't have to live your life alone!  God created us with a need to connect with others, and has provided people with whom we can share life's journey. Small groups are a safe place where you can be real, experience true caring, and develop friendships.  And, in the process, become more the person God created you to be. There are dozens of small groups within community, and more continue to form. Contact Lorie Reichel-Howe, lorie@lrhbooks.com, for more information about Small Group openings - or to find out how you can start a new one!

Mothers Together Mountain View

We believe God has created YOU with a special purpose. Come share life and motherhood with us and “get in” on the blessings that God has for all of us through this ministry. See the Mothers Together section of this blog for more information and updates on summer activities.  Contact Angelyn Knab, aknab@mppc.org.

Career Actions Ministry
Typically meets the 1st & 3rd Saturdays each month
Mountain View Campus, Fellowship Hall

Encouragement and practical resources to help you succeed in your job search. Watch the CAM section of this blog for schedule changes and updates on topics and speakers.  Contact Esther Cho, careeractionsministry@gmail.com.

Men Pursuing Purity

Men Pursuing Purity is a healing ministry for single and married men who long for freedom from the darkness and shame that comes with sexual sin. Men Pursuing Purity is led by men who have experienced healing from sexual addictions, and who minister from compassion, integrity, and total dependence on God.  Contact Craig Lauchner, craig_lauchner@yahoo.com.

Host Homes

Do you have a spare bedroom and bath you could offer for a few months to a Stanford Hospital patient and/or their family members?  The Host Home program is looking for families and individuals willing to minister to those who travel from out of state by offering local housing during Stanford treatments.  This is a chance to minister through practical means to families and/or individuals who are in need.  Contact Sue Passailaigue, suepass@juno.com.

Open Door Church Mountain View Fan Page

Services: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., Sundays, in the Fellowship Hall, 1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View

Office: 1451 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040, 650.330.7525

Web: ODCMV.org

Links: *Back to ODCMV e-News* | Churchwide MPPC News and Notes | Mothers Together Mountain View | Opportunities to Serve the Community | Prayer & Care | Career Actions Ministry | Ministry Contacts | Churchwide Financial Update