ODCMV e-News - October 2011

Month at a Glance:

October Sermons:

10/2 - True North: Jesus Alone (Scott Scruggs)
10/9 - True North: The Bible Alone (John Ortberg)
10/16 - True North: Grace Alone (John Ortberg)
10/23 - True North: Faith Alone (John Ortberg)
10/30 - All In: Mind (Kevin Kim)

Miss a sermon?  Want to share a sermon or just want to hear it again?  Check out our recent sermons online at mppc.org!

ODCMV October Activity Calendar

Stay on top of what's happening at Open Door Church Mountain View with our monthly Event Calendar!  Paper copies of the calendar are available at church on Sundays.  Pick one up and stick it on your fridge for easy reference.  For additional convenience, you can also view a copy of this month's ODCMV Activity Calendar online!

In October:

Dinners for Eight
Look for Sign-Ups on Sundays in October

Looking for an opportunity to connect with people?  Dinners for Eight is a great place to start!  Eight (or so) people gather for a "pot luck" style dinner in a home, meet in a restaurant, or they may even go out together after church for Sunday lunch. The point is, no one does all the cooking, but all get to enjoy meeting others from our church family in a relaxed environment.

Dinners will take place in different cities and homes. Contact Jane Sumner, 408.356.5649, JaneESumner@aol.com, if you're interested in hosting or participating in a dinner near you!

ODCMV Worship Arts Creative Night
Thursday, October 6, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

Sing... Dance... Fade... Cue... Click... Strum... Strike... Create

On Thursday October 6th the ODCMV Worship Arts Department invites you to join us for tasty food, great community, and a chance to hear from our worship leader Joshua Sturgeon.  This event is for all current worship and tech team members as well as those who desire to get involved.  Whether you sing, dance, draw, mix, or edit - if itʼs a creative art form whether technical or musical this event if for you.  We will begin the evening with food and “hang time” and then a few words from Josh and a very special guest.  You donʼt want to miss the first annual Open Door Worship Arts Creative Night!  To help us accommodate and ensure enough food for everyone please click here to RSVP.  Contact Josh Sturgeon, jsturgeon@mppc.org.

Stephen Ministry Informational Meeting
Sunday, October 9, 12:00 noon
Fireside Room

Interested in learning how to support others through difficult life transitions?  Come to a Q&A session in the Fireside Room after the 10:30 a.m. service.  (Info on additional information meeting times/locations available at mppc.org.)  Contact Susan Tweitmeyer, susan.twietmeyer@gmail.com.

ODCMV Potluck:  Who is My Neighbor?
Sunday, October 9, 5:30-7:15 p.m.
Fellowship Hall

Let’s have dinner together!  Join us to connect with familiar faces and new ones over a meal!  We'll provide the paper goods and utensils, you bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share.

Our theme:  Who is my neighbor?  After the meal, special guest, Grant Kim, will share briefly from his experiences as a pastor to the homeless in San Francisco, and will offer insight into how we can prepare ourselves to show God's love to the homeless neighbors we encounter in our communities.

A simple service project:  To round out the evening, we'll take some time to assemble practical every day items along with some thoughtful notes and words of encouragement into "care packages" that attendees can take with them to have on hand for homeless neighbors God may bring across their paths. (Voluntary donations to cover care package expenses gratefully accepted at the event.)

This is a kid-friendly event - all ages welcome.  Childcare for children under 3 available.  RSVPs for childcare appreciated. Contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

Young Adult Hang Time
Tuesday, October 11, 7:00 p.m.
The Hickman's Home

Young adults (ages 18-30) are invited to gather at the Hickman's home to enjoy some good food, and a time of connecting and building community with other young adults in the Open Door Church Mountain View community.  Contact Joshua Sturgeon, jsturgeon@mppc.org, for more information and for directions to the Hickman's home.

Child Baptism and Dedication
Sunday, October 16
Required instruction class, Monday, October 10

On Sunday, October 16, there will be an opportunity for parents to present their children for baptism or dedication during our morning worship services. Participation in a short time of instruction with the pastor, required prior to the baptism/dedication date, has been scheduled on Monday, October 10 at 5:30 p.m. at the church office: 1451 Grant Rd., Suite 102, Mountain View. Register online.  Contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

Next scheduled child baptism/dedication date:  Sunday, November 27 (Instruction class on Monday, November 21.)

Habitat Walk Home (Walk-a-Thon)
Sunday, October 16, 12:30 p.m.
Starting at St. Joseph of Cupertino Catholic Church

The Service Outreach Team invites you to join them in kicking off Habitat for Humanity’s Cupertino housing development with a walk to the construction site to raise funding and awareness for low-income housing, so critically needed in our community. The Cupertino development includes the "Habitat All Faiths House" sponsored by over 50 different congregations in Santa Clara County, including Open Door Church Mountain View.  The All Faiths House brings together people of all walks of faith to cooperatively volunteer and raise funds to build one Habitat home. Sign up to volunteer to help built this special house!

The Habitat Walk Home is open to all ages and community members. The course starts at St. Joseph of Cupertino Catholic Church, 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., and stretches to the Cleo Avenue site, near the intersection of De Anza and Highway 85. There is a minimum $25 donation per walker, $15 for students/children, or $60 per family of four. Walkers receive a t-shirt, lunch, and raffle ticket. Walk reservations and additional event details available at the Habitat Walk Home page on Eventbrite and on the event flyer available here. For more information about Open Door Church involvement, contact Dave & Kristen Woods, odcbuilders@gmail.com

Bookshelf in Every Home
Sunday, October 16, 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Castro Elementary School: 505 Escuela Ave. Mountain View

Participate in the “Bookshelf in Every Home” Literacy Project to promote reading among low-income Kindergartners at Castro Elementary. Open Door Church volunteers, in partnership with Reach Potential Movement, will help Castro Elementary families decorate a bookshelf with their child, as well as play, read and do activities [spearheaded by our ODCMV Middle School and High School Youth Groups] with Kindergartners and siblings while parents attend an equipping workshop. To sign up, contact Lynn Tognoli, ltognoli@gmail.com.

Sunday, October 30, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Church Parking Lot

The "Churches on the Corner" are partnering together this year on something new:  a Halloween themed event for our community! 
The plan is this: families from each church on our campus will park and decorate their cars in the church parking lot, creating a fun environment for kids who are invited from our community to come and "trick-or-treat" from trunk to trunk.  (Click here to check out some fun decorating ideas!) At this fun event, we will also provide opportunities for kids and their families to enjoy food, bounce houses, and games on the lawn.

The vision behind this event is to build a sense of community and create an opportunity for our neighbors to check out our churches in a low key, fun environment.  Here are a few ways you can participate in bringing this vision into reality:
  • Come to enjoy the festivities and to offer a warm welcome to our visitors! 
  • Invite your friends and neighbors!!!
  • Sign up to decorate your car and pass out treats
  • Help pick up food and drinks for the evening
  • Help plan a game or activity for the evening (bobbing for apples, face painting, etc.)
For more information on how you can sign up to decorate a car or to learn about other ways you can participate in this joint outreach opportunity, please contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org, or Tim Boyer, pastor@fpcmv.org.

Middle School Halloween Party
Sunday, October 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Open Door Church Mountain View Middle School kids are invited to volunteer their time in helping to put on the Trunk-or-Treat event described above and then stay afterward to celebrate their efforts over dinner and pumpkin carving.  Costumes encouraged.  Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Coming Soon:

Operation Christmas Child
Collection Dates: Sundays, November 13 & 20

By taking an ordinary shoe box, filling it with toys and other presents, you have a special gift for a child in need of joy and hope.  Personally pack a shoe box for a child aged 2-4 years, 5-9 years, or 10-14 years that will be distributed all over the world in areas of poverty, war, disease, and natural disaster.  Organized and promoted by the Samaritan Purse organization, a book about the Gospel will be supplied in each shoe box before distribution.

Operation Christmas Child is a great mission project that you can do with family, small groups, or individually.  Volunteers are needed to staff the Collections table on November 13 and 20. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer,  please contact June Darmanian, 650.960.3601, darmanian@comcast.net.

Fair Trade Holiday Gift Fair
3rd Weekend in November (exact days/times TBA)

Do you ever wonder if there is something you can do to help break the cycle of poverty in the developing world? One way you can have an impact is through purchasing "fair trade" items from companies such as Trade as One, which sells beautiful, handmade items by women and men in developing countries. To learn more about our annual Fair Trade Holiday Gift Fair, or to volunteer your assistance in putting it on this year, please contact Shelli Krunic, skrunic26@gmail.com.


Open Door Church Mountain View Fan Page

Stephen  Ministry

Are you feeling down? If you are overwhelmed by the pain of a broken relationship, loss of a loved one, negative medical news, or any other crisis or difficult situation in your life, Stephen Ministry can help! Request a Stephen Minister today. Confidential hotline: 650.330.7516, stephenministry@mppc.org.

Services: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., Sundays, in the Fellowship Hall, 1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View

Office: 1451 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040, 650.330.7525

Web: ODCMV.org

Links: *Back to ODCMV e-News* | Churchwide MPPC News and Notes | Mothers Together Mountain View | Opportunities to Serve the Community | Prayer & Care | Career Actions Ministry | Ministry Contacts | Churchwide Financial Update