ODCMV e-News - February 2012

Month at a Glance:

Upcoming Sermons:

1/29 - BROKEN: The Final Lesson (John Ortberg)
2/5 - Put Me in the Game (John Ortberg)
2/12 - Game Changers (Scott Scruggs) 

New Series: "The Grand Experiment"

2/19 - A Jesus Way of Life (John Ortberg)
2/26 - A Jesus Way of Life (Kevin Kim)

Miss a sermon?  Want to share a sermon or just want to hear it again?  Check out our recent sermons online at mppc.org!

ODCMV February Activity Calendar

Stay on top of what's happening at Open Door Church Mountain View with our monthly Event Calendar!  Paper copies of the calendar are available at church on Sundays.  Pick one up and stick it on your fridge for easy reference.

For additional convenience, you can also view a copy of this month's ODCMV Activity Calendar online!

Did You Know?

Parking Etiquette

In the spirit of being considerate to others, here are some guidelines for ODCMV parking:

General Parking:  First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View holds a service at 10:30 a.m. You can help us be "good neighbors" by leaving the spaces marked "FPC" (in the lot closest to Miramonte) available for FPC congregation members to use. Please park in the lot that runs along the back of the church property between Miramonte and Begen.  Additional parking is also available along Begen Street.

Guest Parking:  Parking can seem a daunting challenge if you are visiting a church for the first time, so a few "first time guest" spots have been reserved in the parking lot nearest the playground.  Leaving these spots available for visitors is sincerely appreciated. 

Special Needs:  The spaces in the small parking lot on Cuesta are intended for those with handicaps and other mobility issues.  Able bodied individuals are encouraged to park elsewhere.

If you have any questions or concerns about parking, please feel welcome to contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

In February:

Child Baptism and Dedication
Sunday, February 12 

On Sunday, February 12, 2012, there will be an opportunity for parents to present their children for baptism or dedication. A church required time of instruction for those wishing to present a child on that date has been scheduled at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 7, in our offices at 1451 Grant Rd., Suite 102, Mountain View.  Register online or contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

Rancho Agua Viva Trip Info Meeting
Sunday, February 12, 12:00 noon
Fireside Room
Trip dates: June 10-15, 2012
Learn about an inter-generational, kid-friendly short-term mission trip to Rancho Agua Viva, just east of Ensenada in Mexico. Participate in VBS, construction, and other ministry opportunities.  Our purpose for this trip is twofold—to demonstrate the love of Christ to Mexican nationals by our service and to build and deepen a sense of community among trip participants. Contact Angelyn Knab, aknab@mppc.org.

Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, February 22, 7:00 p.m.
Chapel (across the grass from Fellowship Hall)

You are warmly invited to gather with folks from the First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View for a special Wednesday evening service focused on repentance, as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

Recommend an Elder or Deacon
Deadline: Monday, February 20

The Churchwide Nominating Committee invites you to recommend a deacon or elder to serve for the next term. Deacons embody Christ’s love by demonstrating leadership in serving people in need, within and beyond the community of faith. Elders serve on our church’s governing body, Session, providing wisdom and spiritual leadership. Elders and deacons both serve three-year terms. For more information and to make a recommendation, please take a brochure from the welcome table (near the entrance on Sunday morning) or go online to mppc.org/CNC. Contact: mppccnc@gmail.com.  

The Family Dojo | REGISTER
Begins Sunday, February 26, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Registration Deadline: February 20

Join us as we come together and learn how to lead our families in the way of Jesus. Using the Lord’s Prayer as our guide, we will examine ways to practice Christian faith within our families and discuss ideas for spiritual growth in our homes. No matter where you are in your journey of faith, this group is designed to point you to what we all need—a deeper understanding of Jesus. Parents with kids of all ages welcome.

Additional meeting dates:  March 4 & 18; April 1 & 15 and May 6.

Childcare and dinner will be provided. So that we can plan appropriately, please register by February 20 at odcmv.org. Registration:  $30/parent for the series + optional childcare ($5/child/week). You will have the ability to register for childcare for any/all weeks. Contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Coming Soon:

Saturday, March 3, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Register by February 26
Menlo Park Campus: 950 Santa Cruz Ave

Membership@MPPC provides a welcoming environment for all those interested in what it means to become a follower of Jesus Christ, as well as for those considering becoming a member of our church congregation.

Please register at mppc.org by Sunday, February 26.  Contact Diane Lopez, dlopez@mppc.org.


Small Groups
Varying times, dates and locations

You don't have to live your life alone!  God created us with a need to connect with others, and has provided people with whom we can share life's journey. Small groups are a safe place where you can be real, experience true caring, and develop friendships.  And, in the process, become more the person God created you to be. There are dozens of small groups within community, and more continue to form. Contact Lorie Reichel-Howe, lorie@lrhbooks.com, for more information about Small Group openings - or to find out how you can start a new one!

Mothers Together Mountain View
Thursdays, through May, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Mountain View Campus, Fellowship Hall

We believe God has created YOU with a special purpose. Come share life and motherhood with us and “get in” on the blessings that God has for all of us through this ministry. Childcare for children 3-months through Kindergarten. See the Mothers Together section of this blog for more information and updates on topics and speakers.  Contact Angelyn Knab, aknab@mppc.org.

Career Actions Ministry
Typically meets the 1st & 3rd Saturdays each month
Mountain View Campus, Fellowship Hall

Encouragement and practical resources to help you succeed in your job search. Watch the CAM section of this blog for schedule changes and updates on topics and speakers.  Contact Marco Rosa, mrosa@mappharma.com.

Men Pursuing Purity

Men Pursuing Purity is a healing ministry for single and married men who long for freedom from the darkness and shame that comes with sexual sin. Men Pursuing Purity is led by men who have experienced healing from sexual addictions, and who minister from compassion, integrity, and total dependence on God.  Contact Craig Lauchner, craig_lauchner@yahoo.com.

Open Door Church Mountain View Fan Page

Services: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., Sundays, in the Fellowship Hall, 1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View

Office: 1451 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040, 650.330.7525

Web: ODCMV.org

Links: *Back to ODCMV e-News* | Churchwide MPPC News and Notes | Mothers Together Mountain View | Opportunities to Serve the Community | Prayer & Care | Career Actions Ministry | Ministry Contacts | Churchwide Financial Update