ODCMV e-News - December 2011

Month at a Glance:

Upcoming Sermon Series: "Songs of Christmas"

12/4 - Mary's Song (John Ortberg)
12/11 - Zechariah's Song (Nancy Ortberg)
12/18 - The Angels' Song (John Ortberg)

See "Holiday Services" section below for details about Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Day services.

Miss a sermon?  Want to share a sermon or just want to hear it again?  Check out our recent sermons online at mppc.org!

ODCMV December Activity Calendar

Stay on top of what's happening at Open Door Church Mountain View with our monthly Event Calendar!  Paper copies of the calendar are available at church on Sundays.  Pick one up and stick it on your fridge for easy reference.  For additional convenience, you can also view a copy of this month's ODCMV Activity Calendar online!

Good News:

Fair Trade Gift Fair Results!

The numbers are in: 237 transactions!  The sales for the weekend have been tallied:  a grand total $18,000 - up 30% from last year!

The results in practical terms: sales from this weekend provided 3,600 hours of dignified employment for the poorest of the poor!!!  Many thanks are due to both the volunteers who labored to make the event happen and to the many of you who got out your wallets and shopped!  Way to go!!!

Operation Christmas Child Project Outcome!

A big thank you to all who participated in Operation Christmas Child this year.  This year we collected 334 shoeboxes - an increase of 46 boxes over last year's number of 288!!  Each of the 334 shoeboxes will touch the lives of children who would otherwise not receive anything for Christmas. 

In addition to the gifts so lovingly packed into each box, each child will also receive a booklet containing the Gospel story, which we're hopeful will change their lives forever.  Thank you again for giving generously of your time and resources to make a difference in the lives of others!

Did You Know?

Ever Miss the Offering Collection?

Have you ever missed the collection on Sunday morning and found yourself wondering what to do with your offering?  For your convenience, a wooden offering box can be found near the welcome table.  Alternatively, online giving is also available. To set up automated giving or view your giving history online, visit odcmv.org and click on "Online Giving" at the top of the page.

Holiday Services:

Christmas Eve Services 
Saturday, December 24, 4:00, 5:30 & 7:00 p.m.

Come celebrate with us on Christmas Eve and spread the joy by inviting family, friends and co-workers to join us in celebrating the season!  Invitations are available on the back table at church on Sundays.

Services will feature seasonal music, a special Christmas message and candlelight.  A FREE BOOK* will be distributed to all who attend.**  Childcare will be available for ages 3 months to 4 years during the 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. services.  Contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

*Two options to choose from: Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption; and Devil at My Heels: A Heroic Olympian's Astonishing Story of Survival as a Japanese POW in World War II.

**One book per household, while supplies last.  

Christmas Morning Worship with FPC
Sunday, December 25, 10:30 a.m. ONLY

First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View warmly invites us to join them in the Sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. on Christmas morning for a special Christmas worship service.

No Open Door Church Mountain View services will be held that day.  Watch mppc.org for information about Christmas Morning Services available at other campuses.

New Year's Day Service
Sunday, January 1, 10:30 a.m. ONLY

Ring in the New Year by joining us at 10:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for a simple New Year’s Day service.  Coffee will be served along with an opportunity for you to bring leftover holiday goodies to share

Please note that no 9:00 a.m. service will be held that day and that Children's and Student Ministries will be on break for the holiday.  Children of all ages are welcome to join their parents in the Fellowship Hall during the service.

Family Ministries Holiday Break
Sundays, December 25, 2011 and January 1, 2012

Our  Shepherd's Village Children's program and The Outlet for Middle School will be on break for the holidays on Sundays, December 25, 2011 and January 1, 2012.  Regular programming will resume on Sunday January 8, 2012.

Questions?  For Children's Ministry, contact Chris Nicholson, cnicholson@mppc.org or for Student Ministries, contact Zack Aumiller, zaumiller@mppc.org.

Giving and Serving in December:

Jail Ministry Cookie Collection
Collection Dates: December 11 & 18

Reach out to those who cannot be with their families at Christmas. Bake cookies and bring them to church with you in disposable containers with the number of cookies indicated on the outside of the container. Home baked cookies are preferred.  Deliver to cookie collection table at church on Sunday morning. Contact Tallis Blalack, 408.569.6910, tallis@gmail.com.

Special Christmas Offering
Sundays in December

The Special Christmas Offering collected at our December worship services and Christmas Eve services will support service projects planned for Compassion Weekend, April 28-29, 2012. 

Each year on Compassion Weekend,  people from our church community engage in service projects around the Bay Area to serve needs in our local community and around the world.  

Look for Christmas Offering envelopes in the backs of the chairs at church.  (Additional envelopes are also available on the table as you enter the Fellowship Hall.) Questions?  Contact Bennie Ingraham, bingraham@mppc.org.

Love Our Little-Ones on Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24
During the 4:00 and/or 5:30 p.m. service

Show God's love through your volunteer service to children, ages 3 months to 4 years, who will be dropped off while their families worship at our Christmas Eve services.  Volunteer opportunities available during the 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. services.  Contact Rachel Mathai, rachel.mathai@yahoo.com.

Christmas Eve Book Distribution
Saturday, December 24

We will be distributing free books, featuring the inspiring life story of Louis Zamperini, to those who attend our services on Christmas Eve.  (One book per household, while supplies last.)  You can provide a warm welcome to our guests by facilitating the distribution of these inspiring books. Serve at one or multiple services. Contact Judy Lovejoy, jlovejoy@mppc.org.

Worship Team Angels
December 17 & 24

Serve as a Worship Team Angel, providing refreshment for our worship team during their rehearsal on December 17 and/or on Christmas Eve, as our worship team leads us through three worship services beginning at 4 p.m. and ending at 8 p.m. Worship Team Angels help prepare, serve, and clean up a meal for our musicians. Contact Angelyn Knab, 650.330.7525, aknab@mppc.org.

Coming Soon:

Sunday, January 8
Weekly services resume* at 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.

Join us in January for a special sermon series inspired by the life and faith of Louis Zamperini, as told in the book Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption. Louis Zamperini will be featured in our January 22 service and live at our Menlo Park campus.

*Children’s and Student Ministry classes also back in session.

Register for Bible Explorers!
Program: January 8-June 3, 2012

A love and appreciation of God’s word is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children! The Bible can be a difficult book for children to read and understand. This exciting Bible learning program aims to help children grasp, at their own level of understanding, the importance of God’s word in their lives. Upon completion of the class each student will receive his/her very own Bible at a special graduation ceremony.

All 4th and 5th graders, who have not previously taken Bible Explorers, are encouraged to participate. Note that enrollment in Bible Explorers is limited and advanced registration is required.  Sign your child up online.  Also note that Regular, on-time attendance is very important to ensure that your child gains the full benefit of the class.  For more information, contact Chris Nicholson, cnicholson@mppc.org.


Career Actions Ministry

Encouragement and practical resources to help you succeed in your job search.  See the CAM section of this blog for details.

Open Door Church Mountain View Fan Page

Stephen  Ministry

Are you feeling down? If you are overwhelmed by the pain of a broken relationship, loss of a loved one, negative medical news, or any other crisis or difficult situation in your life, Stephen Ministry can help! Request a Stephen Minister today. Confidential hotline: 650.330.7516, stephenministry@mppc.org.

Services: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m., Sundays, in the Fellowship Hall, 1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View

Office: 1451 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040, 650.330.7525

Web: ODCMV.org

Links: *Back to ODCMV e-News* | Churchwide MPPC News and Notes | Mothers Together Mountain View | Opportunities to Serve the Community | Prayer & Care | Career Actions Ministry | Ministry Contacts | Churchwide Financial Update